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Zero point energy
Art by Jaquamarine

Zero Point is often referred to as the state of pure consciousness, non-duality, or oneness. It is a state we anchor into when we achieve neutrality in our frequency and elevate from the lower frequency behaviours that can keep us stuck.

Zero Point is a state beyond the limitations of the ego,

where there is no separation between the self and the universe. From this perspective, the zero point is a way of being.

To understand the zero point it’s helpful to understand the nature of duality. Duality is the perception that everything is separate. We see ourselves as separate from other people, from nature and the divine. Separation is the root of suffering, as it leads to fear, anger, and judgment.

The zero point is a state beyond duality

In this state, we recognise that everything is interconnected and that we are all part of one unified whole. We see ourselves as reflections of the divine, and we recognise that our highest potential is to live in harmony with all things.


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