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How can I get a yes/no answer from spirit?
My spirit guides send me playing cards, I've quite a collection now.

Spirit are waiting to give you the YES/NO answers you seek.

Spirit guides are your support crew, always there to guide you and waiting for you to connect, they may even be trying to get your attention now! In this post I outline a simple practice that will help you decipher simple Yes or No answers.

My spirit guides brought in some humour for me this week when I asked a straight forward Yes/No question. Usually I feel a contraction when it's a No, or a surge of energy upwards from my heart for a Yes. Sometimes it can be hard to discern, so I also deploy a technique of standing still, legs slightly apart, hands by my sides. When I ask for a Yes or No, I feel moved forwards for a Yes, and tilt backwards for a No.

However this week, when I asked my guides for a Yes/No, there was a different response. I saw a little cartoon man in an official uniform with a stop sign! I was surprised by this and asked to see what a yes looks like, and saw the same cartoonish figure giving me a hand signal to move forward! Spirit can be very playful so don't be surprised when you are on the receiving end of their humour.

I put this new development into practice and it started to blur the lines of yes/no and became a bit confused as the two characters were quite similar. So I instructed my guidance to give me a clearer sign for Yes and No, and instantly got red and green traffic lights as my answer! Now my guidance is much clearer from this mini upgrade!

I mention this story as that is how easy it is for spirit guidance to connect with you. Our spirit guides want to help us navigate this realm and they do it in ways that may not always be clear or easy to discern at first.

How to get a Yes or No from Spirit

  • Ensure you are in neutrality

  • Get into stillness and take a few breaths to centre yourself

  • Set an intention for whatever answers come through to be for your highest good and only from the light

  • Don't have expectations, surrender to what comes

  • Ask spirit to show you what YES feels like. Then ask for NO.

  • Make a mental note of what they have shown you or ask them to be more specific

  • Practice makes perfect!

If you want clearer guidance, ask for a specific symbol or feeling to suit your needs, and spirit will oblige. You can also ask for them to slow down, sharpen the image or turn up the volume, as the information that comes through can be vague or come through too quickly to discern.

It takes a bit of practice to open up to your innate ability, but it is already within you, you just need to get out of your way to decipher their communication.


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