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Worry is exhausting, it’s a waste of your precious energy and takes away peace from the present moment.
Art by Jaquamarine

Worry is exhausting, it gnaws away at you and wastes precious energy, taking away your peace in the present moment.

Worrying is existential.

Worrying, like fear, is existential. It doesn’t resolve anything other than fixate, inflate anxiety and bring on looping and distortions in our mind.

Things are never as bad as we imagine them to be, but worrying can attract the very thing we are afraid of through negative manifestation. Change your thoughts, for the very thoughts that created your worry can resolve it too!  Have trust that everything is happening for your highest good, and tell yourself this often and whenever a worrying thought steps in, and ensure to throw in some gratitude or count your blessings.

You cannot control anything outside of yourself, you can only change how you deal with things from changing your perspective from within.


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