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words spoken
Art by Jaquamarine

Words are powerful spells and should always come with a warning. Words can destroy, heal or harm. Words we speak can have a profound impact on our lives. When our words are positive, we create a positive reality and attract positive people and experiences into our lives. When we speak negatively, our words draw a negative reality, negative people and experiences.

Words have the power to become manifested reality, so choose your words wisely.  Be extra disciplined and mindful of negative thoughts as the words you speak carry powerful intent.  Vocalise what you want but be extra careful to not add voice to what you don't, as the Universe is always conspiring to deliver exactly what you ask for!

There's a chance to rewrite the script and go to a higher frequency if we're careful about the words that leave our mouth. This is the basis of manifestation, so be careful what you wish for and speak into the world!

Abracadabra! I create as I speak! The words I speak are powerful spells!

Always watch your words and what message you are sending. Witness your words, is it worth the paper if you wrote them down? Be neutral and responsive, and act from love and kindness before making any proclamations. Don't joke or carry the weight of words from others, or be indirect or convoluted with words, as they will backfire!

When we operate from a high frequency we become masters of manifestation as our signal becomes clear.  Say less and select words carefully, as feelings and emotions of a word spoken, will find its match, good or bad.

Jesus taught us we reap what we sow. Our Universe is made up of creative consciousness that is electromagnetic and takes the form of attraction/repulsion energy.  What we speak into the world, we attract as a vibrational match.

The nature of life will always correspond to the signal we transmit.  We all know someone with a negative mindset who says things like 'Bad things always happen to me' or 'It's just my luck XYZ happened to me!'. These people are probably unaware they are master manifestors! Their negative words and negative emotions will continue to deliver the bad things they complain about until they catch on they are creating their negative reality.

Always choose your words wisely as they hold great power!


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