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Victim mentality
Art by Jaquamarine

Victim Mentality

Victim mentality keeps us operating from a place of lack, and constantly reminds us of the frailties of our life until the cycle is broken.

We have all been a victim or played the sympathy card from time to time, it is easy to blame others and make excuses for the way we are feeling, rather than face our pain and suffering. Most of us are fortunate to have the ability to get out of this mindset quickly and continue with our lives, but for those suffering in victim consciousness, life is a constant struggle and can feel very bleak.

Victim mentality originates from the belief system and comes with a distorted view of the world.  It keeps us operating in dense low-frequency and traps us in a looping cycle that perpetuates suffering from when the original mindset was created. It can shut down soul expression and limit our ability to take action, keeping us in resistance, separation and rooted in the past.

Victim mentality attracts negative situations until you break the cycle

Hanging onto pain and victimhood is not a badge of honour, we all came here to clear and release pain and suffering this lifetime. Collectively we need to stop perpetrating victim mentality and stop projecting our pain onto others by taking full responsibility for our wounds and healing.

None of us are victims, we each possess the ability to be incredibly powerful manifestors that create through our words and thoughts alone.

When we repeat painful narratives from a place of poor me, we are operating from the identity of a victim and attracting the very situations that validate our story of woe and compound feelings of lowliness and helplessness. Energy attracts like energy, if we play the victim we will receive more futile situations that feel like life is out to get us.

Victim consciousness is a trap that solidifies our narrative and victim identity. We can have compassion for others and hold space for their expression to validate what another is going through, but not from the perspective of a victim.

Victimhood shuts down healthy response so we feel helpless to act. If you identify with victimhood, seek to express any stress or anger healthily to move dense energy up and out of your system. Anger is a great tool for releasing feelings of helplessness and once expressed, you will better about your situation and likely to find a new resolve or energy to face your situation with fresh eyes.

Once we get out of victim energy we can move away from disempowering ways and work toward healing ourselves and creating empowerment.


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