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Values are individual beliefs that can motivate us and serve as our inner compass. Values shape our identity, our sense of purpose and reflected in our everyday behaviour.
Art by Jaquamarine

Values are individual beliefs that can motivate us and serve as our inner compass. Values shape our identity, our sense of purpose and reflect in our everyday behaviour. We adopt values from our upbringing and culture and assimilate them as part of a foundation that drives our actions, and inspires and informs how we treat others.

We live our values every step of the way

We prioritise our values and live by them every step of the way. Values can be things we feel passionate about and make us happy, sometimes our values may clash with others.  We demonstrate our values through our actions and they can help us make tough decisions when values conflict.

Personal values of honesty, kindness, integrity, responsibility, independence, creativity and growth are intrinsic to our overall happiness. Moral values help us know right from wrong, and social values guide our interactions with others in community, cooperation and tolerance, whilst professional values of teamwork, excellence, integrity, innovation and accountability help us bond through teamwork and provide an overall sense of meaning and purpose in our work.

If we are goal-oriented, we will feel happiness when we achieve our goal, but the next goal is always looming and requiring our satisfaction. When we live a life based on values instead of goals, we are more fulfilled in every moment because we are not focused on a result or all about achieving the goal.

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