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Unity and Duality consciousness
Art by Jaquamarine

Unity & Separation Consciousness

Separation is the belief that we are individual, isolated beings in a universe of disconnection. This is duality or separation consciousness, an illusion and misperception created by our limited minds. The separation we feel fuels anguish, fear, and conflict. We perceive others as different or oppositional, leading to misunderstandings, prejudice, and violence.

Separation is an illusion. Unity connects us all

Duality divides us internally. We see mind, body, and soul as separate, creating tension and disharmony within ourselves. Duality thrives on labels and definitions, categorising others. We label and judge things as good or bad, right and wrong, beautiful or ugly, reinforcing the illusion of separateness.

The desire to control stems from the fear of the unknown and the need to feel secure in a seemingly chaotic world. This control mentality reinforces separation.

Many spiritual and philosophical traditions aim to transcend duality. They emphasise the interconnectedness of all things, the oneness of being. Oneness seeks to dissolve the barriers of separation and awaken to the underlying unity of all existence. It recognises the inherent divinity and wholeness within each being.

Unity consciousness isn't just a concept; it's a direct experience. Through meditation, mindfulness, or other practices, we can touch into the feeling of interconnectedness and belonging that binds us together through ‘oneness’. By understanding the illusion of separation, we cultivate compassion and empathy. We realise the shared experiences of joy and suffering, fostering a sense of global citizenship.

Duality is a part of our human experience. The key is to embrace the paradox, holding both the individual and the universal truths simultaneously.


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