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Art by Jaquamarine

Polarity is the dynamic interplay between two opposing Universal forces. It is the idea that everything in the universe exists in two opposite and complementary states and is the fundamental principle of duality.

Duality is a key factor in the story of Adam and Eve and The Fall and is a continuous teaching throughout Jesus' parables. Nothing would exist without polarity, understanding it will help you master spiritual harmony.

The universe is electromagnetic in nature; as within, so without, as above, so below. Polarity is a positive and negative charge throughout the Universe. On Earth, it is reflected in the magnetic North and South pole, and within nature as the masculine and feminine principal. It is present within the cycles of life and death, light and dark, attraction and repulsion, creation and destruction, being and nothingness.

The Law of Polarity teaches us that everything has an opposite. It's helpful to view it as two sides of the same coin rather than good versus evil, black and white, or right and wrong, as it is a dynamic interplay of two opposing forces that seek to find balance and harmony.

Polarity is fluid and ever-changing. Nothing in the universe is static, it is constantly in flux.  Humans express polarity as leaning toward masculine behaviour at certain times or exhibiting more feminine qualities at other times.  Duality is evident in interplay, in our relationships, emotions, thoughts, and behaviours, such as love and hate, happiness and sadness, anger and fear and compassion and cruelty.  Finding the middle ground is the way toward our healing and spiritual wholeness.

Energy always seeks balance and so must we

We can gain a deeper understanding of polarity by learning to accept and embrace the full range of human experience, light and dark. Energy always seeks to balance, so finding a neutral position within two opposing forces is optimal when navigating your consciousness and interactions with others. 

When we operate from neutrality, or the zero point, in presence and harmony, we can surf the waves of life effortlessly. Whatever arises is easily mastered by remaining neutral and non-judgmental, allowing the energy to flow without attachment.

Don’t play both sides of the coin and get caught up in duality as it will keep you stuck in a lower frequency.  Polarity consciousness is the energetic signature of the 3D matrix but we are gradually evolving into the higher realms of Unity, or Christ Consciousness, which requires us to drop lower frequency behaviours such as fear, hate and shame.

The best way to navigate your spiritual journey is to operate from neutral and seek inner harmonisation to avoid being thrown into extremes. When we experience extremes, good or bad, we swing out of balance and drop in frequency, which requires a course correction to get back to the optimal neutral setting.


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