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Art by Jaquamarine

Unconscious Beliefs:

Below is a simple journal exercise that will help reprogram your unconscious aspects and bring light to the outworn issues that may sabotage you.

Your Unconscious aspect has a story, creating a false reality which cages you and sabotages your fear of diving deeply into shadow.

Sit in stillness and gratitude (it drops you into your heart from ego) and find your centre. When you are comfortable, ask the following questions out loud, be patient and tune in to what comes up.

  • What do I believe about myself?

  • What unconscious beliefs or story am I holding onto?

  • What fear based narratives am I replaying?

Without attaching to what comes up, simply choose a new revised story and flip the old belief into a positive, more aligned version of who you are and where you are at.

Go deeper by asking more questions. It may be revealing as you come to 'real eyes' how you may have been operating from a false belief. The good news is you can change it!

Affirm 'I am not xxx any more, I cancel, transmute and delete that old belief and replace it with xxx'. Ensure you state out loud who you choose to be in the now moment and let go of the old story and elevate to the new, it is that easy!


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