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Mind Matrix, Mind Jail
Art by Jaquamarine

Thoughts are powerful. Everything starts with a single thought. Thoughts project and create form, they have magical powers that can bring heaven or hell, liberation or enslavement. They are powerful spells, so it is best to treat thoughts with great care.

Most symptoms of illness begin at the spiritual level, stemming from a thought. We can think ourselves into illness, just as we can think our way into health, the brain doesn’t know the difference. Thoughts are so powerful they can generate artificial emotions. Observe your thoughts, manage them and stay out of your head unless it is required. 

Mindless over mindful is a state worth striving for, get into the heart for true connection to self. Mind energy can be siphoned into a singular negative focus that robs us of pure potential in the present moment.  When thoughts arise, we can lose contact with the present, now-moment paradise we are in, which is all there is, and where the magic happens.

Thoughts are like clickbait that rob us of the present moment

Looping thoughts are a symptom of anxiety or OCD, the ’Mind Jail' is a place we return to when stuck in a thought cycle.  Undisciplined thoughts can keep us stuck, looping or robbing us of acceptance. In this space our thoughts constantly ruminate in analytical judgment, creating a running dialogue of mind noise. Overthinking is a vicious cycle that can lead to analysis paralysis and requires discipline and patience to break free from.

There are many reasons why we get stuck in our thoughts, from stress to anxiety, avoidance, difficulty, painful situations, or seeking to control something we can’t control. Do not attach to your thoughts. When we direct our precious lifeforce energy onto a singular thought, we create attachments that abandon us from source and manifest pain and suffering.

Attachment creates a veil between our heart and mind so manifest experiences that witness the injustice of your thought and the attachment to it. Learn to allow thoughts to come and go without attaching.

Yet thoughts aren't our enemy. They can be highly productive if connected to awareness from a neutral place. Those very same thoughts can call in successful manifestations, but only if we stay out of our heads where thought-form mechanics can sabotage us. 

Choosing a new thought can change history and create new possibilities. A repeat positive thought can change our lives for the better.  As always, the power is within us. Reset and return to the place of love to rearrange your thoughts.

We can master our thoughts and exit the mind jail if we are prepared to discipline any sloppy mind habits.  We can only control ourselves, so reign in your thoughts for optimal mental health.  There's much joy felt from being free of the monkey mind, as in the main, it is an unproductive tool that gets in the way of joy in the present moment.

Most thoughts are like clickbait, they are mostly unproductive and can rob us of pure potential in the present moment.  Always discern and challenge your thoughts, ask if they're true, negative or keeping us stuck. Create better feeling thoughts and set goals to release any mind-natter. Everyone gets stuck in their thoughts sometimes, but through awareness, you can break free of them and reclaim your mind.


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