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The power is in your hands.
Art by Jaquamarine

No matter what hand you were dealt in life, you have the power to change it. The power has always been within you to get out of negative cycles and change the world!

Do not let your past dictate where you are at now!

Playing the victim is a programmed response that keeps many of us stuck in a perpetual cycle of victimhood. It is positively enforced in a sick society, where aspirational living has been replaced by apathy, anger, envy, racism and hate, inflated and stoked by the media and designed to keep us in negative, low-frequency behaviours where we are controllable and manipulated.

We are constantly reminded by external forces that we are helpless to act, that we must put our faith in an external power if we wish to see change, get hand-outs, solve problems etc, but that simply isn't true. That illusion keeps many stuck and looping in fear energy, fed by the very same hands that claim to support us.

Life is lived from the inside out

The external world informs our internal world. When we are sucked in by fearful situations and give our attention, we are sure to be weakened or siphoned. This is the illusion of the 3D matrix.

In reality, life is lived from the inside out! If only you were aware of the power you held, you would stop the negative self-talk and change tack right now! Catch yourself in victim mode and flip the script, as when we find the courage to change ourselves, we can change our world!

You create your reality!

You are the universe and everything and everyone are players in your game. Through your consciousness you create 24/7 with the words you speak, thoughts and actions. You emit electromagnetic impulse waves that form frequency, broadcast into the world. That signal creates crystalline structures from waves of light, plasma and electromagnetic charge, known as divine creative consciousness.

When we are operating from a place of positivity, the electromagnetic charge creates beautiful symmetric geometry, that if held in positivity, becomes tomorrow's reality. If we are in fear, hate or anger, the electromagnetic architecture becomes ugly and distorted and we end up with situations like war and conflict, such are playing out now.

The Universe is a mirror reflecting back what signal we emit. Our experience is a result of the collective consciousness that is manipulated by fear, pain, polarity and division. When we pull back our energy from external situations, the geometric architecture collapses.

From a quantum perspective, changing reality is an inside job. The God-source-creation codes for the future are within each and everyone of us.

The outside world informs our inside world in reflection, but if we strive to break out of negative patterns and into a place of love, joy, peace, gratitude, compassion and kindness, we can alter the quantum wave structure and change our future.

Everything is pure potential when you understand this. Become aware of your signal and how it is creating your tomorrows. You are the ripple that affects others, you have always had the power to change things for the better.


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