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Flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

The soul is the spiritual spark of light within our body that gives us life and drives us. It is an entity or spark of God, considered to be the exact replica of the spark of divine that connects us.

A single universal soul connects all living things

The concept of an Oversoul is of a single, universal soul that connects all living things, to each other and to the divine. This concept of 'Oneness' can be found in many different religious and spiritual traditions from Hinduism, Transcendentalism, and a core tenet of New Age Spirituality.

The idea of the Oversoul is one of unity and interconnectedness, suggesting there is a fundamental unity that underlies all of existence which is expressed through the interconnectedness of all living things. This can be perceived in the way humans and animals are all made up of the same basic building blocks of life, and in the way we all depend on each other for survival.

Oversoul is often associated with the idea of a higher power or divine force, present in all things, and by recognising our connection to it, we can tap into a greater sense of purpose and meaning in our lives.

It is my belief that Oversoul is Divine Creative Consciousness and our Soul is a unique expression of consciousness. When the two interact, creative structures of love, plasma and light are manifest through waves of thought and electro magnetic charge of divine intelligence, producing geometric architecture.

These structures materialise into the physical as mirrored through the frequency in which they are created. All living things create in this way; when the frequency is low, set in fear, the structures collapse and lose their potential. This is why it is so important to watch your thoughts and words and what signal you are emitting into the world. Our broadcast creates through the quantum field, just like everything else in the Universe.

Hold a better vision, have a better feeling thought, be more loving. You are a divine creator. When you understand this, you have the keys of creation in your possession.

The idea of an Oversoul is challenging to comprehend but is a valuable concept for those who are looking to deepen their understanding of the spiritual unseen world around them. By recognising our connection to all living things, we can gain a greater sense of compassion and empathy for others and see the world in more holistic and interconnected way.


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