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Cyclops Eyeball Flower abstract, illuminator, seer, truth teller, seeker, conscious
Art by Jaquamarine

The Illuminator:

The sacred gift of Illumination comes from an alchemical process that occurs after an intense and prolonged energetic soul purification and through transmutation of unconscious shadow aspects into light.

An Illuminator is a rare archetype; self-aware from a young age, incarnated to develop and grow through trauma, wounding and negative human experience, for the purpose of understanding, alchemising and assisting others.

An Illuminator transmutes density into light and higher conscious awareness by healing themselves, and through absorption and transference of energy through other people and the environment.

Illuminators undergo deep soul healing to become more conscious and light. Through illumination of the root of pain we heal. Seeing is believing and observation is key.

As a child, an illuminator may have been regarded as different or awkward as they unconsciously absorbed so much subliminal information from others.

Illuminators are powerful transmitters, able to detect through their physical senses the emotions and unconscious aspects within others. As sensitives, they may overreact to what they pick up on subconsciously, but consciously they can alchemise and transmute this energy through their physical reality.

Being an Illuminator is an intuitive specialisation of truly seeing another's light and potential. Illumination dissolves unconscious shadow aspects by perception. When we face our darkness, we emerge as the light.

People are drawn magnetically to an Illuminator's ability, but may feel intimidated by their intense ability of perceiving their dark and light aspects and the truth of who they are.


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