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Flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine


Surrender is the ultimate act of letting go. Surrender releases resistance, clinging and holding on to attachment, and through this act, allows a situation to be what it is meant to be.

Surrender is allowing, it is a divine act.  Surrender to God is the only type of surrender. In contrast, resistance is our free will at play.  When we surrender, we release our free will and resistance, and give it up to a higher power, or the will of God. 

Surrender is an act of faith, it is not about giving up

When we surrender, we invite in freedom and choice and with that, comes empowerment and renewed strength. Surrender is letting go of attachments that create suffering, it’s a healing act.  Trust everything will be OK, trust in the divine plan.

Surrender is not passive, it is about relinquishing the dominant ego and its habits, allowing for a deeper transformation to take place.  Embrace the helplessness of a situation. We are our most powerful when we relinquish our need to be powerful.  Send love. Release. Observe. Be Grateful. Find Grace.


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