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Soul Groups
Art by Jaquamarine

A soul group is a group of souls who have chosen to incarnate together in order to learn and grow. They may be friends, family, or even strangers, but they are all connected by a shared purpose.

Soul groups can be found in all walks of life and can play a variety of roles in our lives. Some soul groups may help us to learn and grow, while others may help us to heal or to find our purpose. Soul groups can be a source of great support and love, and they can help us to connect with our higher selves.

Soul is the true essence

and the inner-most sacred part of us

There are many different ways to recognize a soul group. One common way is to feel a deep sense of connection with the people in the group. You may feel like you have known them for a lifetime, even if you have only just met. You may also feel a sense of peace and harmony when you are around them.

Soul groups often share common interests, values, and goals. They may be drawn to the same spiritual path, or they may be working towards the same social or environmental change.

If you think you may have found a soul group, nurture the connection as it will have a bearing on your direction in life. Spend time with the people in the group, share your thoughts and feelings, and support each other on your journey.


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