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10 Hearts sitting on a rainbow.  Signs and Synchs
Photo by Jaquamarine
When the Universe wants you to know something it uses repeat messages, signs and synchs
Art by Jaquamarine

Signs and synchronicities are the Universe’s unique way of leading and guiding us. Signs and synchs can be felt internally as shifts or as a deep longing for something more.  When we become attuned to subtle energies, we may notice increased intuition, empathy, or feel the emotions of others.

Our dreams can become more lucid and symbolic, offering guidance or insights, or we may experience an increase in coincidences, déjà vu or a feeling the universe is divinely orchestrating our path.

Signs and synchronicities are the Universe’s way of guiding us

In the external, we may come across information that is serendipitous to our journey, from finding the right book, teacher or community, just as we embark upon seeking it. 

Repeat numbers, feathers or symbols can also provide us with clues and cues from the Universe, don’t ignore them. Seeing synchronicities can indicate you have an expanded consciousness or you are becoming more aware. Synchronicities can also indicate a shift has happened.

Embrace the ebb and flow of the spiritual journey as it is all part of your personal transformation. Cultivate gratitude and kindness, and always trust your intuition by paying attention to the whispers of your soul or signs on your path, by staying open to the unfolding magic that is always trying to reach you.


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