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Rainbow Shield
Art by Jaquamarine


Shielding and protection should be part of daily practice for everybody as we are constantly bombarded with energy from our environment. This energy can be positive or negative and can have a significant impact on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

By learning to shield and protect our energetic field, we create an invisible barrier that keeps out negative energy and allows us to operate at optimal energies within our bubble.

Shielding & Protection protects us from negativity and keeps our frequency optimal

Negative energy can take a toll on our mental and emotional health, bring our frequency crashing down and invite sickness or distress. We may feel anxious, depressed, or stressed but protecting our energy can protect us from negative emotions.

Negative energy can also have an impact on our health by weakening our immune system, leading to fatigue or sluggishness within our body. Shielding protects us from these negative effects. When we're not weighed down by negative energy, it’s easier to access our intuition, make better decisions, solve problems, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Always place personal protection and shielding around you whenever you go out in public.  Don't be energetically different or set yourself apart, learn to camouflage and blend in, don't dominate energetically, and stay hidden as much as possible.  You can always create a persona for when you are out and about, just remember to add shielding and protection to it!

Cut out people who are not on the same page as you.  Some people in your life may not wish you well.  Guard against whom you tell your good news to. Give validation to yourself, as seeking it externally will create entanglement through attachment to others.

When you're in a positive state of energy, you're more likely to attract positive people and experiences into your life. This is because you're putting out positive energy like attracts like.

Below are a few simple techniques to shield and protect your energy as part of daily practice:

  • Visualise a protective bubble around you, such as white light, a shield of love or a steel force field. Have fun playing with this, imagination is all that is required.

  • Affirm or add to prayer that you are safe, protected and shielded each day.

  • When you meditate, ask for protection to be placed around you. When your mind is clear, you're better able to protect your energy from negative influences.

  • Ground and connect to the earth's energy regularly to stabilise your energetic field.


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