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Cartoon girl carrying giant heart on her back
Art by Jaquamarine

Self Love check List:

Be Love

Seek with love

Be full of love

Be you

Watch self talk

Create safety for self

Change is within you

Don't allow distractions

Don't revolve around another

Don't chase

Start receiving

It's all about you!

You can change yourself and your internal reality

Be what you want to feel

Adore thee!

Shine your light

Show up, get real

Get naked, be vulnerable

Stop hiding

Be seen

Love your body

The body is the barometer of your soul

Love all parts

Don't be a slave to your thoughts

Watch your words

Be kind to self

Give respect and compassion to self

Feed well, nourish

Stay in balance

Remain neutral

Get back into centre

Go outside

Have strong boundaries

Don't complain


Imagination is more important than knowledge

Get dressed up

Change up your energy

Boost your confidence

Leave others wanting more

Protect your inner child

Connect with inner child

Reparent yourself

Don't invest outside of self

Reinvest back into you

Observe, don't react

Don't be at the mercy of others

Get back into you

Do the work

Big Change from taking baby steps

Consistency is key

Be fully independent

Be peaceful

Blend in


Be peace in the chaos

Don't get in the way of your manifestations

Sacrifice for what you want, not for others

Vanquish doubt

Believe in self

You are the one you are waiting for!


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