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The Love you have is for YOU heart
Art by Jaquamarine

Self-Love is a powerful key to healing

Self-esteem is a superpower.  If you believe in yourself, it impacts everything you do positively. You can perform multiple tasks and achieve goals effortlessly, you are probably likeable, motivated to succeed and never second-guess yourself.

It's vital to believe in self to succeed in life, otherwise we are constantly being pulled down by every thought and feeling that plays to a lack of confidence or unworthiness. 

The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself

What are you good at, what makes you happy?  We each possess talents and have positive traits to our personality, but when we come from an unhappy childhood or experience trauma, our self-esteem can be severely impacted and create issues, such as lacking confidence, anxiety or poor self-image, which can create stress, misery or limit our ability to function at times.

A big factor in having positive self-esteem is influenced by the beliefs we absorbed in our early years that ultimately shaped our worldview.  If you suffer from low esteem, you could be holding onto several false beliefs about yourself that have damaged your self-image or may cause you to shrink away from participation, giving up on yourself when it matters. 

When you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up about it. Instead, be kind to yourself, learn from your mistakes and move on. Be patient and give yourself the same grace that you would give to others.

When we break down limitations and self-judgment, we can acknowledge and reject those aspects that kept us down and heal the separation aspect between ourselves and others. Shift from low esteem by practicing self-love, backing yourself and being mindful of where you sabotage or talk negatively to yourself.  Write a new script and shift your beliefs by cultivating compassion, utilising affirmations and positive self-talk to correct any imbalances.


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