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Abstract pink and white
Art by Jaquamarine

Personal Conciousness:

We don't carry consciousness within our body, our body is in a sphere of consciousness. Our body is made up of our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric body that is merged within a sphere and is currently aligning to the new frequency and energy.

We can help ourselves at this time by taking positive action to help assist our body in this epochal transformation taking place across humanity.

Below are some pointers to help you evolve your vessel at this time.

  • As I speak, I create. The words I speak are powerful spells.

  • Thoughts are not productive unless applied. Stay out of head space, lead from the heart.

  • When we don’t react we hold our own. When we don’t take the bait, the heart anchors into unity consciousness.

  • Stand up and be love and bring the other person into love.

  • Use compassion and extend this to everyone.

  • Take back your power. We’ve all been dumbed down, mind controlled, but no-one is our enemy.

  • The false structure is built on divisiveness and creating chaos. It’s how energy is created and sucked from us, or siphoned.

  • Oneness is the way.

  • Operate from your heart, question which thoughts are stealing your energy and invasive? If we entertain those thoughts, they will latch on and suck your energy.

  • Flip the switch and magically direct your energy toward the positive.

  • Every negative needs to be flipped. It’s an opportunity waiting to happen.

  • Give energy into being positive, perceive life to be a gift. Always look for the silver lining.

  • Position self to receive the best of the best.

  • Check in at the end of each day: where have you given your power away? How can you do things differently to advantage self?

A conscious person uses the world is a mirror to better understand and mastered themselves. The unconscious person attacks the mirror because they do not realise it’s a mirror.


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