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Patience Good things take time Queen of the Night Bloom
Art by Jaquamarine

Patience is the ability to endure a period of waiting and allow things to happen in their own sweet time, without interference or frustration. It can be difficult to remain passive, stuck in a void or waiting for something to happen, we’ve all been there. Patience can take a bit of practice as it's a discipline that must be learned, applied and integrated.

Patience requires us to push through our limitations and be comfortable in discomfort, without desiring to force or control a situation. Learning patience is a form of mastery that is necessary for our growth, focus and learning. It requires practice to adopt a neutral position and be comfortable in the not-knowing and can require a great deal of self-control and wisdom to let things unfold.

If you are used to instant gratification, patience will be a challenge for you

We live in a world where we want everything now. If you are stepping into your spiritual journey, or learning how to manifest, you need to understand how energy works and why having patience is a virtue that will eventually bring everything to you effortlessly.

When we manifest, we send out a request into the Universe, which then seeks a match if we leave it well alone.  Patience is part of the manifestation process and takes time to come into form.  If we are impatient or doubtful, we reduce the chances of our desires manifesting or creating delays.

There is no control beyond us, so being patient is a requirement to allow things to happen as they are meant to.  In stressful situations, patience can be a superpower as it creates space for intuition, and is beneficial in our interactions and relationships. Developing the discipline of patience requires us to be free from expectation, by adopting a flexible approach that comes from not having expectations around outcomes.


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