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Swirly pattern liquidity
Art by Jaquamarine

Pain is not to break us but to make us stronger, wiser and more compassionate. Pain exists so we can come to an understanding of the good. Suffering, whether physical, psychological or mental, is unbearable, intense and painful, but it can also be a powerful force of change and transformation.

Pain can be individual, ancestral or collective. We carry ancient pain through narratives that keep us stuck in perpetual pain-looping cycles. Shadows of consciousness can lay dormant within us for lifetimes and persist in layers of unresolved pain from parallel existences. Unresolved pain can be emotional, physical or mental and over time will create illness or pain, if pushed down rather than expressed.

To suffer is part of life, pain exists to strengthen and prepare us, so we can empathise and help others with their suffering. If there is no suffering, there is no incentive to succeed. We experience suffering when we go against karmic laws. Any pain and suffering we feel is not a badge of honour to be appraised and keep us in victimhood, it exists to show where we are unhealed or going against our soul.

There are two types of suffering; the kind we run from, but follow us everywhere or the kind we face that becomes the gateway to our freedom.

Pain is a part of personal growth, all things work together

We cannot heal what we refuse to feel. Whenever pain pops up, send it love, then let it go. Pain clears away negativity in our system through a process of purification, it’s all part of life. Don’t feed into its energy, push it down or tell yourself negative things about it. 

Illness can manifest when life goals are unmet, leading to disruption in bodily functions that ultimately affect the immune system. If you can, respond to pain the moment it is felt, by using your hands and heart to soothe the part of the body where it presents. Push past any resistance by using conscious breath to ease any pain and find tolerance to lean in a little at a time. If you have always pushed things down, you may find it strange, as once it is healed, you forget the pain story it was attached to, as soon as the pain is released.

When we distract from feeling pain or suffering, we have likely met some inner resistance that can throw us into unconscious bypassing or distractions.  If we refuse to go there, suffering can become a void to fill with alcohol, drugs, work or casual relationships, which only prolongs suffering as what we push down creates more toxicity from non-expression.

Crying is a gentle form of release that quickly moves density stored in the body from stuck emotions. Open the floodgates, don’t suppress a natural body function that frees you from suffering! When working through old emotions, sometimes the pain that pops up can feel sharply intense, but if you can find tolerance and lean in, the pain will lessen and become easier to tackle over time. 

It is a noble truth that to live is to suffer, but we can release our pain burden if we are detached. Watch your language and how you talk about yourself - are you inflicting more pain onto yourself?  We cannot transcend pain and suffering, it doesn’t magically disappear if we push it aside or numb it. Flip the script, and create a new story. Face it, feel it, and integrate it by sending compassion, forgiveness, love and positive healing intention. 

The physical body is a printout of your consciousness. Any problems within the body are messages from your consciousness that something is off balance. Whenever we find ourselves in pain, there’s an opportunity to connect to source and hone in. Ask to be shown and ensure you approach any self-healing from a calm and neutral space.


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