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Shrine Crystals and Eastern Iconography
Art by Jaquamarine

Occult Paraphernalia

I've mentioned before and I will repeat it again, it's important to research the origins of any spiritual paraphernalia you intend to place in your home, such as crystals, amulets, tarot cards and symbols.

Much of the New Age Spiritual movement has origins in occult and Satanism, a dark and powerful cult disguised as positivity and older than religion. When you become aware of it, you will see its ancient symbology and iconography everywhere as it is still widely practiced!

Regardless of what you believe in, you need to guard against negative energy. Always use your discernment, don't be sloppy with your energy and always clear your field and place protection around yourself.

I meandered innocently along the New Age Spirituality path until I woke up to its deception. If I knew what I know now, I would have saved myself a few years from playing in an unproductive space. I would have gained more from going within instead of being distracted by a new cage religion.

By all means collect crystals but don't be foolish to assume spiritual idolatry or symbology is benign, for much of it is steeped in black magic. Never play with dark energy, it's very powerful and can suck you in and attach to your field.

A lot of new age practice can appear as very seductive, all love and light. It's a big colourful mix of different ideas, exotic gurus and megabucks courses that don't fill the gap. There is a darker side that is connected to forces you don't understand; the symbology and iconography within spirituality is ancient, powerful and has an energy of its own that can appear seductive.

Do not open the door to the occult!

Psychic phenomena, paranormal manifestations, demonic oppression and possession is real and can lead to suicidal thoughts or attract an entity that lodges in your field and snacks on your energy. Do not open the doors to the world of the occult. The new age path can hook you in, lead you astray and throw you into a spiritual abyss if you don't practice discernment and spiritual hygiene.

The same can be said about worshipping angels or ascended masters. I don't recommend channelling, evoking 'spirit guides' or any other discarnate entities, as there is always a risk of attracting demonic entities. Angels, demons, ancestors and discarnate deities all reside in the same 4th dimensional realm, there's no way of telling them apart and besides their wisdom is not a patch on your own soul's wisdom, so always go there.

Stick with getting to know your soul, connect to your 'God Essence' and listen for your own voice to guide you. Any other voices you hear are likely to be infiltration! Demons are also thoughts and they have a hold over many people at this time of awakening. New agers freely draw on all manner of Satanic material and apply it to themselves without understanding its origins. Don't be that person - You already have all the tools you need!


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