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Eyes watching being observant
Art by Jaquamarine

Observation is a fun way to develop your gift by tuning into the external world and observing what may pop up. Searching for meaningful coincidence in random symbols is a fun game that will sharpen your tool and provide amusement when you perceive the interconnected nature of the Universe.

Observation sharpens our senses and expands awareness 

Being observant increases conscious awareness and sharpens the senses. The keener your observation skills, the more you expand your ability to tap into higher awareness.

Observe and become aware of your surroundings when you are out and about in the world.  If you are keenly observing, you will perceive the Universe is always speaking to you via signs and synchronicities; from feathers on the pavement, symbols, vehicle signage or repeat numbers. 

The Universe is always trying to get our attention if we are aware.

Being open to receiving symbols is like dreaming with our eyes open.  As magnetic beings, we attract things into our field that are meaningful to our personal journey.  To receive such cool magic, become the observer and open to receive awareness of what is trying to get your attention. Recognise the signs and synchronicities and incorporate their message by interpreting what it means to you. 

If you find yourself singing a song, check out the lyrics to see what they’re telling you.  Birdsong or overhearing odd words from conversations in a busy place may also have a message for you. Everything speaks to us if we are actively listening and looking. Put this into daily practice and you will raise your awareness, perceive the mundane as magic and understand the interconnected nature of the universe. 

If a message is important you will likely receive it several times, until you get the message!  Never ignore signs, they are everywhere you look once you become aware.


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