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The Now moment is all there is
Art by Jaquamarine

Now is all we have.  As the saying goes, “The past is a history, the future is a mystery, all we have is the present, and that is a gift”.

We cannot change the past. If you go looking for it, you won’t find it.  There is no future. You may imagine it, but it doesn’t exist, and if or when it does, it will be the now moment.

The only thing you have is the present, or now moment. Don’t squander it by living in the past, nothing grows there. Don’t be anxious about a future that may never happen.

Let go of the past, release any regrets or ‘should haves’ and let it be what it is.  Accept the uncertainty of life, don’t worry about what might happen as you will only be feeding fear into future timeliness.

When we are present, we are more aware of where our mind is at as we are not fractalized at the zero point and where we can discipline our thoughts so we can be more productive.

The only time there ever was, is, and will be, is now

Many people struggle with living in the present moment, but it’s the only place we have any impact.  When we can live in the present we find true freedom, away from our thoughts. Don’t let the past or future distract you, you will only scatter energy, there is so much to be gained from your presence in the here and now.

When we are fully engaged with each interaction and experience, we reap the benefits, be it more energy or motivation, enhanced creativity or awareness. We become more attuned to what is trying to get our attention and can hear the whispers of our soul when we are in flow. Being present sharpens our focus, makes us a better listener, reduces stress and boosts our productivity.

Learn to slow down and savour every moment.  Disconnect from your phone as much as possible, as it robs you of your presence.

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