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Walk away from negativity, you don’t need it in your life!  Operating from negativity stops you from accessing source within and will destroy your peace of mind.  Get out of negative energy by harmonising toward balance
Art by Jaquamarine

Negativity will hijack and take you down if you let it.  Negative energy tends towards cynicism, resistance and apathy. It’s unhopeful, repellant, anti, the opposite of positivity and goodness. 

Negative energy can block good energy and can accumulate in dark, stale settings or coagulate from negative thoughts, actions or behaviours. Just like misery loves company, negativity attracts more negativity towards it.

An undisciplined mind can easily absorb outside stimuli which can change our mood from positive to negative in an instant. Our minds are a battlefield, an angel and a demon within. Known as the oppositional forces of Yin and Yang within duality, these electromagnetic forces constantly pull our attention in different directions.

Negative energy can adversely affect us if we dwell in it. It’s easy to get distracted by negativity which can lead us to darkness and create mental problems such as mind looping, OCD, depression and anxiety if we absorb it. If untreated, it presents as physical symptoms like high blood pressure, exhaustion or chronic pain. 

The mind is hardwired toward negativity as the majority of humanity is operating from survival mode. Negativity has roots in fear, it’s a demonic energy that keeps the body vibrating at low frequency, a magnet for illness as it stifles growth.  Negative behaviours such as lying, cheating, complaining or gossiping will always come back on you. Negativity magnetises more negativity if you align with its vibration.

Our minds are vulnerable to energetic attack, which is why it is so important to shield and clear the energetic field.  It is too easy to get dragged down by negativity or pessimism and let it rule your life.

Ride the waves, don’t attach to anything, good or bad.

It’s possible to set our mood to positive each day upon waking and choose the light!  Without taking a disciplined approach toward energy, we can drift with the current, react to everything and scatter ourselves. By becoming more intentional, we can master our energy and raise our frequency.

Smudging, clearing away clutter, being in sunlight and nature are things we can do to release negative energy. Whatever the energy, learn to ride it like a wave, never attach to it, or take it on! Energy has to flow, don’t attach to situations or moods, learn to flow with them and accept the good with the bad, and know that all things must pass.

Energy constantly morphs, changing, contracting and expanding, don’t let every small drama, microaggression or annoyance get to you as it is guaranteed to lower your frequency and ruin your day.  When we experience extremes, negative or positive, we swing out of balance and drop in frequency, which requires a course correction to get back to the optimal neutral setting. Avoid anything that robs you of your equilibrium.

Whenever negativity pops up, walk away or change it up, you don’t need negativity in your life!  Being in negative or low-frequency energy prevents you from accessing source within and will destroy your peace of mind.  Get out of negativity by harmonising into balance and neutrality. When our consciousness is cleansed of negativity we become a purified channel of divine consciousness.  

Some examples of how negative energy impacts interactions:

  • If you are feeling grumpy, don’t impact others and ruin their day too.  That energy will always come back on you X3!

  • When you find a judgment arising about another, turn it around. Does what you see in the other, really belong to you?

  • Your energy is your personal currency. Be careful how you spend it. Always aim for your highest good.

  • Never interfere in another’s free will choice, any manipulation of another will backfire.

  • Be careful who you share your good news with, not everyone will be happy for you. Sharing with others can lead to taking on their negativity and spoil your enjoyment.

  • Don’t place blame, always be accountable. Being frustrated or upset is an instability others can pick up on.

  • If you are a people pleaser, you will attract takers. People pleasing is a form of manipulation, you lose yourself in the exchange as well as siphon your energy.

  • Don’t try to be something you are not. If it is not organic to your natural make-up, you can come across as forced or false.  When you are not in your truth, it is a form of giving your power away.

  • One-upping is an entity that creates separation from others. Bad-mouthing and other toxic behaviours will always be seen and the energy will boomerang back on you.

  • Be careful how you express yourself, especially if you are headstrong, prone to argument or defensive. People are afraid of unpredictability, that behaviour will alienate and backfire on you.

  • The more negative emotions you have, the more stressed you will feel. Learn to identify negativity and reign it in. We can unconsciously attract negative situations if we allow negative emotions to roam free.

  • When we have negative thoughts we lose our magnetic resonance and reinforce the negative and attract more of it.


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