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Ornate hand mirror
Photo by Jaquamarine


Mirroring is a simple technique that will reveal much about yourself and help you grow in awareness. When you incorporate this simple concept, you can perceive subtle truths in your interchanges with others, and see in reflection the lesson or message it has for you.

We are all mirrors so treat others as you wish to be treated.  No matter who is around you, you mirror to everyone and everything that you’re manifesting in your unique experience. When you understand your true nature that others are a mirror to your reflection, you will stop fighting yourself and inflicting pain onto others.

Everyone, and everything, is your reflection

When you realise everything you see is your reflection, you have the free will to change it.  For example, if someone triggers you, question what is being projected or reflected between you and the other person. Is there a trait you dislike about the other reflecting on you?  Look deeper at self. If the other is a reflection of you, can you see what is buried in your shadow?  Does the other person possess an attribute that inspires you?

Every interaction with another provides us with clues about where we can evolve ourselves.  When we see it, we can't unsee it.  Mirroring informs our healing and where we need to make adjustments.   

People come into our lives to teach us, reflect, and show us who we are.  Our environment will always mirror back to us too.  If your energy is off, others will always respond in kind.  There's always a lesson in our interactions if we have the eyes to see.

People who trigger us are our teachers. They teach us indirectly through reflection. Thank them for giving you a glimpse of the mirror. Never resist the opportunity to know yourself on a deeper level, and cherish interactions with others for the data to be mined. Life will constantly reflect what needs to change and where you can improve and grow.


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