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888 Master Teachings
Art by Jaquamarine

Master Teachings:


It is my honour and mission to pass on the information and guidance that helped me on my awakening and self-discovery journey. Over the past few years I have been distilling the information from seventeen years of personal healing journals and noticed patterns and themes around the guidance I had jotted down. The most simple and straight forward teachings were the most effective, and centred around correction of the mind through adjusting negative patterning. When we align toward correcting our inversions, our DNA strands are activated and the process of internal healing begins.

When these simple teachings are put into practice, I noticed how quickly my mind aligned to a peaceful, neutral position, instead of the looping and constant distraction my monkey mind usually operated from. I was able to perceive how my mind had been distorted through inversions and how easy to operate from an incorrect setting. Very quickly, from following this simple guidance, I achieved the results I'd been hoping for, and with this my healing became exponential.

Using the simple codes and keys will help reset the mind to an optimal setting. There is nothing new or revolutionary about these teachings I have collated, they're incredibly simple to incorporate, and when used together, create an alignment into correction which brings harmonisation and balance to the whole. I am not rewriting ancient religious texts to capitalise upon, I simply share my findings freely in this blog, as an easy-to-understand format for the fresh eyes of the newly awakened, and as an act of service.

Full credit to the Master Teachers who gifted the world these simple truths centuries ago. This information is widely available although it is not widely adhered to. New Age Spirituality perverted the sacred texts away from unification, and through humanity's separation, has forgotten the simple basics as it fell under the spell of fear, cognitive dissonance and distortion. These codes and keys are in the teachings of Jesus' and Buddha; in fact all Master's teachings carry the same fundamental truth, that correct words, actions and behaviour from a disciplined mindset, will end personal suffering!

Most of what ails us stems from the mind, our body is the reflection; Mind is a brilliant servant but a terrible master. Mind should never be allowed to run the show, especially when it comes to healing of the whole. We are here on a SOUL journey, not a mind journey. It is our soul that prompts us to heal the inversions, our soul knows the way.

Our minds have become distorted and inverted through deliberate and insidious programming, but discipline and adherence to a set of simple codes and keys can get mind back into balance, out of looping and towards harmony and balance of the whole. We can control pain from controlling us by changing the way we view things Our natural state is harmony, everything else is an imbalance caused by something unaligned within our system.

Our reality is crafted from within, all the answers are within. We are experiencing ourselves through conscious awareness and need to let go of false beliefs, old narratives and drop resistance and the illusions we have created. Eventually we must all reset our inner compass to True North, it is where our soul leads us. When we come correct within the mind, our body follows, bringing DNA activation, harmonisation of the hemispheres and rebalancing to the whole


Keys are a simple set of actions and behaviours that will bring you into alignment and reset the mind, body and spirit and spark healing. Practising Spiritual Discipline through Neutrality, Gratitude, Self Love, Accountablity, Acceptance and Allowing and through Faith, finding Forgiveness and Compassion will strengthen your spirit and provide a solid foundation for your healing.


Codes build upon the foundational healing keys and will help raise your personal frequency, increase DNA activation through Conscious Awareness, embodying I AM Presence, being Intentional and committing to the path through Spiritual Discipline, having strong Boundaries and developing Intuition and Observation skills will raise your frequency and expand consciousness toward awakening


Lastly are Caveats and Conditions that act as a warning how easily we can create negativity and polarisation of self. Once understood and integrated, your approach to life will change as you understand your true power and potential. The caveats are Attachment, the cause of all suffering. Low vibrational behaviours such as Judgment and Gossip will keep you operating from negativity and create quantum entanglement with others. The Words you speak, Thoughts that sabotage, and the Stories and Projections and Labels you apply all polarise and create separation.

Implementing these codes, keys and caveats will bring thoughts, words and actions into alignment, correct imbalance and ultimately harmonise and bring healing to the whole. For more information, click on the icons on the home page to access the blog articles for each of the Codes, Keys and Caveats.


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