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Masks and False Persona
Art by Jaquamarine

Masks & Pretence

Masks and pretence are utilised as a form of ego protection to conceal our true nature or intention from others. We all have to fake it occasionally, whether we deploy a false persona as a defence mechanism to feel in control of a challenging situation, or to camouflage feelings of inadequacy or vulnerability in awkward social situations.

Masks help us blend in but at some point will slip

Masking helps us present an acceptable face to the world and blend in with others. Some masks are created in our early years to appease family members, we assimilate the good boy/good girl role to please others and make them happy but an assumed identity can become contingent upon receiving the approval or attention of others.

In life we adopt many masks and personas, whether we are a victim, controller or perfectionist, we use masks to conceal our pain and feelings of unworthiness. A mask of indifference can hide our hurt when we’re rejected or humiliated, a mask of humour is easily applied to make light of sad or awkward situations to avoid heavy emotions.

Whatever the social occasion, masks and pretence are deployed to cloak our true personality around strangers and help provide a calm and composed front to manage stressful situations and protect our vulnerability.

Wearing a mask is useful at times, but only for a short time, for fear the mask will stick! Let go of pretence and find acceptance, as fakery will only cause you pain and suffering.

Counterfeit or copy-cat energy will never be rewarded as it is inauthentic. Any form of fakery will end up caging us in feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness as inauthentic expression does not honour the true self, it only creates pain.

Are you covering up an aspect of yourself that may be pushing others away, or sabotaging you?  Take a good look where you may have created a mask or fake persona to conceal wounding or to help you get by in social situations. Let the mask drop, aim for authenticity and give your unique soul the true expression it longs for. 


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