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Looping thoughts
Art by Jaquamarine

Looping Thoughts:

When we tell ourselves not to think about something, we can only think of that thing. Many of us struggle with recurring, looping thoughts that fixate on fears, motives or whatever action we should have taken, instead of the thing we did. It can be distressing as the thought/fear factor replays over and over again until we are desperate for relief.

Looping thoughts are a by-product of OCD or anxiety, and tend to affect people who suffer trauma or have grown up in perfectionist settings or experience anxiety disorders. Many people will encounter looping, obsessive thought cycles at some point in their lives, usually when they are undergoing stressful situations or under immense pressure.

At difficult times in our life, our mind finds strange ways to cope. Looping thoughts are a subconscious coping mechanism that takes us out of the present moment by distracting ourselves from what we don't want to face.

When we obsess about a thought, our subconscious picks up the signal and brings it back into awareness. All panic and anxiety disorders work in the same way, but by focusing on the fear, it is sure way for it to return. We obsess about the thought and may want it to go away but it only exacerbates the action. It is only when we face the fear, that the thoughts dissipate.

Our mind is a story machine. We create stories to make sense of a world that rarely makes sense in an attempt to keep us safe. Many people re-live their trauma by talking about an incident which keeps it going. This can do more harm than good. As the mind and body relive the story, the nervous system can become extremely activated to the point where it shuts down.

It is possible to detach the emotions from thoughts that create false suffering. The quickest way we stop looping thoughts is to change our attitude toward the thought by replacing the fearful aspect with a better feeling thought. If we can intentionally raise our vibration to neutrality, we can get out of the looping extremes and back into peace of mind. This is why it is so important to keep our vibration at the optimal neutral level to avoid the mind harvesting of the 3D matrix.


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