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Yellow pink and orange flowers
Art by Jaquamarine

Letting go is one of the hardest lessons we go through as connection is woven into our existence. Letting go can feel like an admission of failure, but we cannot force or control our relationships, we are all on our own journey. We will inevitably grow apart and lose cherished friendships and connections along the way.

Humans crave attachment but fear detachment as it triggers our wounds of abandonment and rejection. It is the memory attached to the connection that can be so hard to release. Letting go of something we love is never easy, but it is vital for our peace of mind as hanging on or clinging to another will eventually impede our journey, create resistance or block us energetically.

Holding on to things that no longer serve can lead to stress, anxiety and even depression

We tend to cling to what is familiar, habitual and comfortable, even if it doesn’t serve us. Letting go is to surrender and trust. It helps us find acceptance of what is and opens us up to receive what is meant for us.  We are at our most powerful the moment we accept we no longer need to control outcomes with another.

Taking action is an important part of letting go, whether that means ending a relationship, quitting a job, or letting go of a grudge or bad habit. It can be challenging, but taking action can help you regain control of your life.


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