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Sea Urchin
Art by Jaquamarine

Labels are limitations. We limit ourselves when we identify or define ourself by a grouping or label, as it can limit or restrict our thoughts and actions. When we apply a label, we put ourselves into a box that limits our potential to move beyond the constraints of our own making.

Labels stifle true potential and can lead us to feel unfulfilled and stuck.  By labelling, we create a set of narrow parameters in which we perceive ourself, which is not only limiting, it can result in lost opportunities for growth and development.

For example, you may consider yourself to be an introvert and happily identify as such. Others may also know you indentify an introvert, so assumptions will be made and you may miss out on opportunities to socialise or expand yourself beyond the limitation you’ve created. 

Don't put yourself in a box!

No one is a label, we are so much more than one thing. Be careful with the words you apply to categorise yourself and others. Labels may be helpful to understand a bit about someone's identity or background, but they can prevent us from seeing people as individuals or for who they truly are.

Applying a label is also casting a judgment. When we label another, we make assumptions based on our limited perspective or have prejudices about what that label means. This can lead to us judging people unfairly or treating them differently.

If we label someone, we may assume that all people who identify with the label are the same, believe the same thing, have the same values or want the same things in life. But this is simply not true. There is a great deal of diversity within any group of people, even if they choose to identify with one thing.

Instead of labelling people, get to know them as individuals, and learn about their unique experiences, hopes, dreams and values.  When we do this, we start to see people for who they are and can build more meaningful relationships with them.   


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