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Flowers and bees pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Karma is a concept where actions carry consequences that can affect us beyond our physical existence. According to this belief, positive actions lead to positive outcomes while negative actions lead to negative consequences.

Karma is energy at vibrational frequency, it’s the residue of our actions and where we are out of alignment. Karmic law governs all life on earth. It is the law of divine love applied for the benefit of the soul to unfold its true spiritual potential on earth. 

We can transcend our pool of karma by correcting our imbalances through unconditional love. Karma is the law of cause and effect, which means our actions in past lives and the present have consequences that shape our future. Some people experience heavy karma because of the negative actions they carried out in this, or past lives. These negative actions may lead to harm, suffering, or paying for others, and may get carried forward into other lifetimes. Accumulation of negative energy can create a heavy burden on the soul, making it difficult to move forward or find peace.

Karma signifies a need to learn from past mistakes, change patterns and make amends for past actions

Karma is not necessarily a punishment, but rather a way to encourage growth and self-reflection. We have to pay our karma, no matter what it is. Forgive yourself and work to release it by correcting any negative past actions, then imagine tearing up the contract.

We outgrow karma when we stop playing by its rules, acknowledge and correct our behaviours. It is all energetic and about the righting of past wrongs to reset the scale. If someone has heavy karma, it will feel like they are stuck on a track experiencing the same things over and over again. In some belief systems, dedicated practice and ritual can help alleviate heavy karma and lighten the soul’s burden. These include acts of kindness and charity, apologising for past wrongs, meditation or seeking guidance from a spiritual teacher or community.

The concept of karma is complex and personal; everyone has different experiences and beliefs surrounding it. All of your experience is energetically held within your system, from this life and other timelines, until it is balanced and then we can enlighten our energy to love. 

Karma teaches us that our actions and intentions can have far-reaching consequences and that it is up to each of us to take responsibility for our stuff and be accountable if we have wronged another.

The karmic layer is the deepest layer of the aura and is said to hold the imprints of all of our past lives. These imprints carry emotions, thoughts and experiences from previous incarnations, as well as those of our ancestors, carried down the ancestral line through in a connected web of nodes.  Karma can manifest as negative thoughts, patterns, beliefs, or behaviours that we repeat through multiple lifetimes. By recognising these patterns we can start to break free of the cycle and release patterns that no longer serve us.

Karma is felt as a nostalgic energy we cannot place or pin down. It’s naunced and sometimes accompanied by other emotions of love, fear or anger, which can feel confusing to the body.  You don’t need to evoke a memory or go looking for karma to clear it, as that will take you away from higher conscious healing energy. Feel into what comes up, lean into it and then alchemise the feeling by sending it love. There is no need to figure out what your karma is as it knows where you live! You can’t outrun it, Karma has a tracking device that will bring people or situations into your life as surrogates to revisit your karma in order to clear it.  You don’t even need to leave your house, karma can still come knocking at your door!

When the soul's lens is cleared of karmic residue, we can access our true light and reap numerous rewards of heightened awareness, increased intuition and a deep sense of inner peace and harmony from moving past difficulty and heaviness.


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