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Journal exercise on beliefs
Art by Jaquamarine

Journal Exercise on Beliefs:

Here's a journal exercise that can be very informative around the beliefs we carry as they can signpost where programming may be running or where we went off track. Any confusion in the mind is belief or shadow, drill into it for the buried gold, it's your pure potential.


What do I believe in?

What do I believe about myself that isn't true?

What do I believe about others that may be a judgment?

What gets under my skin and what causes it?

Where am I a slave to external circumstances?

Affirm: I call the shots, no belief has power over me!

Expand upon this theme by envisioning your early childhood conditioning or any abuse you may have received from that time and give compassion to your inner child. I recommend hugging your left arm to connect deeper to your child essence, touch is powerful and very healing.

Say to your child 'I am here for you' through any emotions that pop up as this will melt away any pain that arises.

Where do I give my power away?

Why don't I have the courage?

Am I worthy of who I came here to be?

What issues get in the way of that?

How do I make it work for me?

Affirm: I AM the mission, not a slave to energy.

If any beliefs popped up that no longer serve you, release them by affirming 'I no longer wish to believe in this, it no longer serves me'.

You may be surprised how many beliefs you are hanging onto from childhood that are not your own, are untrue or formed through wanting acceptance.

Check out my other post on 'Beliefs' for more information on the subject.


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