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Universal Soul
Art by Jaquamarine

As the planet is going through a powerful solar upgrade at this time, we are in the throes of a major event that is expanding the consciousness of Earth, and evolving all life upon it. We are living in times of great change and life as we know it is changing exponentially. Higher consciousness is collapsing broken structures and bringing down the curtains of a false reality. It is the end of the separation illusion and propulsion into the realm of Unity Consciousness.

Our soul's signed up for this.  Many volunteer souls put their hand up to carry out specific missions on the current timeline and your soul is leading the way, taking you on a magical spiral journey, attained by letting go of low vibrational behaviours and opening up to higher conscious awareness.

We release density from our bodies by deleting old programmes, detaching from old beliefs and conditioning, and in the process 'enlighten' our vessel. When we awaken it is to our soul, it is pure light, the spark of divine consciousness that drives the body, and leads us to healing by releasing anything that encumbers its true light. 

It's all about you and only you! 

Awakening, or ascension, is a personal journey of conscious expansion; it's all about you and only you!  Nothing outside of you can truly shed light on your journey, all the answers you need are within. 

If you understand the concept that everything and everyone is your mirror, you can learn a lot about yourself through interactions, see where you may need to adapt or change and heal those aspects perceived in reflection. Other people have much to teach us on this journey if we view them as a mirror of our behaviour, although we are not on a spiritual journey to awaken or guide anyone else. 

Awakening is a journey of enlightenment, it helps to not take life too seriously.  Take charge of your transformation by stepping out of fear, letting go of labels and moving into the frequency of play, joy, love and abundance! 

Every day set your frequency to neutral then ground, centre, be accountable, practice acceptance and allow things to unfold. You are a powerful creator and you have got this! 

Don't compare yourself to anyone else as no two journeys are the same.  Treat life as an adventure, and become the architect of your awakening. Find your inner compass. What drives you? Where are you heading? What must you leave behind?

Become your own guru and be secure in the knowledge that the Universe is conspiring to help you, don't doubt it.  Your awakening journey is totally up to you, you know best, so do it your way, you have free will at your disposal, your soul knows the way! 


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