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Orange Flowers
Art by Jaquamarine

Intuition is the ability to understand something immediately through receiving knowledge from the body without conscious reasoning.  It's knowing that doesn't require proof, you will feel it as truth and 'just know'.

Often described as a gut feeling or sixth sense, intuition helps make decisions, solve problems or better understand people and situations.  Don't ignore gut feelings, take time to listen and process what comes up, as it is likely to be correct even if it doesn't make sense at the time.

Intuition is accessed when we take our mind out of the equation 

Intuition is our inner compass that takes cues from the environment to steer us. The mind often gets in the way because it tries to interpret gut feelings by using logic.

Intuition is the soul's guidance, it is not understood by the mind.  Intuition is a knowing in the heart, the translator of the soul, it can be goosebumps or a gut feeling. Whatever pops up, don’t dismiss it as it may be your intuition speaking.  When something resonates it is relevant. Follow your joy and draw it to you through your feelings. We can also access intuition by quieting the mind to create a space for intuition to come through.

Being present, in observation, daydreaming, stillness or mindfulness are also heightened states where intuition may pop up.  When we trust our intuition, we gain a deeper understanding.


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