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Orange and Yellow Flowers
Art by Jaquamarine

Intention is an impulse of directed consciousness that can manifest whatever we want to create in our lives.  Intention matters because we can do the right thing for the wrong reason. When we set an intention, we plant a seed with conscious conviction that can lead to powerful outcomes IF our desires align with our highest good.

You are pure intention. It is the gift of creation. Just by intending something, the Universe will go to work. Your consciousness is connected with God's pure consciousness. When you create with pure intention, you are co-creating with the divine.

Intention is a great spiritual tool that can help align thoughts, feelings and actions to achieve goals. Connected to your I Am Presence and manifestation abilities, intention is powerful and requires deliberate and careful handling.

When we set an intention, we are ultimately planting a seed in the Universe

An intention is the act of visualising a dream and creating the action steps towards it.  The more focused and clear an intention, the more likely it will manifest. When we become purposeful in pursuing our ideals and desires, all the light, plasma and love in the Universe conspires to make it happen.

There are many ways to set an intention. You can write them down or speak them aloud. You can also set intentions through visualisation, mood boards, meditation, or prayer. No matter how you choose to set an intention, be clear about what you wish to achieve. Your intention should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Be patient and persistent, don't give up if you don't see results immediately. The most important thing is to choose intentions that are meaningful and will help you to grow. Becoming intentional is a superpower that activates DNA and opens up bandwidth to higher frequencies. By taking the time to set clear and focused intentions, you can align your thoughts, feelings, and actions to your highest purpose.


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