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Impulsivity is a sudden, uncontrollable urge that can lead us to act without thinking. It can bring an instantaneous change of momentum, created from a random idea or spark of stimuli that sets off emotions, neurons and electro-magnetic pulses in the brain that bypass our rational thought process and simulate action, all without considering the consequences.
Art by Jacquamrine


Impulsivity is a sudden, uncontrollable urge that can lead us to act without thinking. It can bring instantaneous change of momentum, created from a random idea or spark of stimuli that sets off emotions, neurons and electro-magnetic pulses in the pre-frontal cortex. Impulses can bypass our rational thought process to simulate action, all without considering the consequences.

We are each entirely responsible for what we manifest into our world and personal experience. As we become more conscious, it is helpful to observe our brain behaviour and impulse control to discern its behaviour and the consciousness it is created in.

As we open up to our soul’s whispers, we can receive divine impulses that can impel us toward purpose, but in the main, an impulse or compulsion, a closely related behaviour, will likely create problems for us if left unchecked.

Impulsive actions can lead to unpleasant consequences

Control impulses by discerning the consciousness they are created in and observing them from a higher perspective. When we do this we create a pause to reflect on those little urges and nudges and can decide whether they are for our highest good or not.  When we build in a pause to negative behaviour, we can reject and dissolve an impulse as quickly as it popped up, from choosing non-reaction.

Being impulsive is reckless and unsettling for others. Impulses can create negative actions that simulate our bad habits such as over-eating, abusing alcohol and drugs, or overspending on impulse purchases.  Impulses are also connected to anti-social behaviour such as stealing, being aggressive or having a short temper, they can even cause us to self-harm or stop us from doing the very thing we should be doing as they divert us from our attention and keep us out of conscious awareness,

A sloppy mindset, undisciplined emotional patterns or reactions can create lasting damage that impact our quality of life. It is easy to be simulated by our caprices and desires, all the while remaining unaware of how easily they manipulate us.  Our mindset is with us for life, so learn how to master it and reign in any negative patterns that can make life a misery.

Spending less time online will spare you from a lot of impulsive behaviour. The entire social media model relies on overstimulation, creating micro-social interactions that simulate emotional responses or trigger impulse purchases or reactions.

Our senses are constantly bombarded with seductive images and information overload, draining our time, self-control and precious energy.  Social media can cause FOMO, spark envy and even traumatise us as it activates the five senses and nudge fight or flight response. Worse still, impulses can cause us to impetuously wade into commenting, an action always guaranteed to come back to bite us!

Watch out for when impulses get in the way of your connection to your inner

landscape too, The deeper we go within, electrical impulses can pop up to hinder our ability to connect or separate us from Oneness.


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