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Don't attach to energy ever, learn to surf it instead
Photo by Jaquamarine

Learn to surf energy:

Be careful what you give agreement to or align yourself with as you may be consenting to something that could be detrimental to you, or even harmful.

Have you ever walked into a room and picked up on a tense atmosphere?  We can detect subtle energetics that are easily absorbed and cause our personal vibration to plummet.  Some energy can be very detrimental, such as negativity or stress, which will contaminate our energetic field, if we don't know how to shield ourselves.

Negative or demonic energy works in mysterious ways and is easily implanted into our thoughts, from other people or surroundings. We are also highly susceptible to spell-casting from tell-e-vision, news, social media, songs and Hollywood movies, which intentionally insert programming that implants into our auric field and over time can become deeply embedded and hold us captive in fear or over consumption.

Whenever you encounter tense situations or feel fragmentation from your interactions, maintain a neutral frequency and cleanse your field to avoid absorbing any demonic (negative) energy.

If we match to energy, we empower and allow it into our field.  Never attach to energy, learn to flow with it, good or bad

Don’t personalise another's irritation or bad mood as it is sure to rub off onto you too. Avoid anger, jealousy, gossip, comparison, judgment and other low vibe behaviours that hook into others.  If you agree with what others say or do, you align yourself with their energy, which contaminates your field and can reverberate back onto you x3!

We're exposed to people and environmental energy every day, but we don’t have to absorb it.  Our unique signal broadcasts subtle energetic cues or clues about us to others, as well as any wounding or trauma we may carry, ie. if we struggle to make friends we may carry rejection wounding that is repellant to others. People can pick up on this and pull away from us without knowing why.  Energy never lies.

With practice, we can intentionally glide through energetic weather, releasing any interference or disturbance by learning not to attach and shift or transmute it. When we sense atmospherics at play, be sure not to absorb them, discern if it belongs to you or needs your attention, and if not, discount it.

Don’t take energy on, do this instead: Accept it for what it is and actively choose not to partner with it by declaring ‘I see you negativity, I am not in agreement’. Ensure to protect your field daily by bringing in peace and surrounding yourself with white light and bring in shielding and protection.


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