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How to ground
Art by Jaquamarine

How To Ground:

Grounding, or earthing, stabilises our energy by connecting to the earth's electrical energy and can optimise our body at the deepest level, helping reduce inflammation, pain, immune response and stress, it contributes toward better mood, sleep, energy, blood flow and overall well-being.

  • Find a quiet spot in nature where you won’t be disturbed, this could be your back garden, local park, beach or any other setting.

  • Remove your shoes and let your feet make direct contact with the earth.

  • Stand, lie or sit, preferably with your feet and hands firmly planted on the grass or soil.

  • Relax into your body, take some deep breaths and become receptive to the energy of the earth.

  • Close your eyes and visualise light from the sun pouring into the top of your head and travelling down through your body, through your feet and into the earth.

  • Imagine roots sprouting from your feet extending deep down into the centre of the earth.

  • Once you anchor into the centre of the earth, feel its energy flowing back up through your body and let it anchor into to your heart space.

  • With your eyes still closed, listen to the sounds around you and seek to find stillness by tuning in to the birds chirping, trees rustling, distant sounds of traffic and the busyness of life surrounding you.

  • Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. In the stillness did you feel at one with nature and everything else going on around you?

  • Stay in this space for a few minutes if you can, it doesn’t have to take long, but regular direct contact with the earth has lasting benefits and connects you to the Oneness of all life.


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