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How to connect to your spirit guides, rose abstract  pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

How To Connect To Higher Guidance:

Before connecting with your higher guidance, it is important your energy is optimal and a frequency match. Your personal energy is key to any connection, in the 3D or in the spirit realms. Ensure you are feeling balanced and clear before you make contact. This is key.

Ensure you don't have any interference in your field and your energetic levels are set at neutral. It should go without saying that you do not attempt to make contact whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Having expectations will create a block or prevent access. Ensure you surrender to the process and remain open to what may come through.

Clear any blocks in your personal energy field. If you fear making contact you've probably created a block already. Identifying any blocks and ensure good spiritual hygiene. Clearing your field is imperative to receive from your higher self or spirit team.

Fear may create a barrier and will prevent you from making contact with spirit so trust is optimal. Work through any fears you may have that create blocks and trust issues around connecting to higher guidance.

Be neutral, it is just energy and the key is to let energy pass through without attaching to it. Don't let ego get in the way, or seek to label an your experience as negative or demonic that will trap yourself into an illusion. Be open to whatever comes through.

Before connecting, set the intention for your experience to be optimal and for your highest good. Ask for protection and remain open to receive, any resistance is your free will talking. Connecting with 'spiri't is a free will choice, be discerning and always operate with integrity.

Ego can get in the way if you let it, creating fear, doubt or shut down any chance of connecting. It can cause you to dismiss what comes through and deny the potential. Come from the heart and be open to it.

Use your common sense, don't evoke spirits, be smart about what you call into your space. When you call in, be open to receiving images and knowledge to help you, which is more likely than granny on the other side giving you the nod on the lotto numberst; when you open up to the higher realms there's no knowing what may come through so use your discernment and ensure you close the connection and give thanks, once done.

Disclaimer: I don't connect with spirit guides due to the possibility of accessing false light or being led astray. The more healed spiritually, the greater the need was to shield and protect my energy. I rely on my intuition for guidance and get everything I need through my connection with Holy Spirit within me, in obedience to God/Divine Consciousness.


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