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Honour self and other is an unwritten societal rule
Art by Jaquamarine


Honour is a moral and ethical action and cultural tool that helps us interact respectfully whilst maintaining autonomy and self-esteem. 99% of people all want the same thing; acceptance, safety and to be treated with dignity and respect.  If we practice what we preach, we should rightfully expect the same treatment, as when we honour others, we return good energy back to self.

Jesus taught us to ‘Love thy Neighbour as thyself’, to respond with kindness and love, whatever may come our way.  The Golden Rule teaches reciprocity, to treat others as we wish to be treated and that our energy, good or bad, will come always back on us.

Being honourable almost always guarantees positive and validating interactions. We don’t have to give of ourselves or return a favour, just give and engage energy neutrally in our interactions, in a respectful way that brings safety to everyone.

Honour is its own reward for positive actions

All living things are mutually dependent and reliant upon each other for safety and survival. If there is no respect, there is dishonour.  What we don’t honour, we don’t deserve. Negative actions and behaviours can create ripples and impact others, but if we judge or try to control another, we only dishonour ourselves. Don't attach to the negative behaviour of others, learn to ride energy like a wave, what another person is going through is not your concern.

We honour people by acting with integrity and embracing them for their quirks, uniqueness and differences, without judgment. We are all fractals and expressions of God having an experience, each of us walk our own line, we don't have to fit or conform to societal commands, just honour the journey as unique fractals of source, here to experience the physical through our individuality.

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