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Flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Higher Self is you, unhindered by ego.  It’s your voice you hear when you connect within. Ensure you are in a neutral space and in non-judgment to access your inner voice (aka Higher Self or Soul).

To connect with the higher self, you will need to cultivate a sense of openness, intention and trust. Connecting can help you gain clarity, life direction or a sense of purpose.

The higher self is the part of us connected to the soul, divine wisdom and consciousness that transcends the physical experience

Take a few moments each day to slow down and connect with your breath. Meditation or sitting in quiet reflection is an excellent way to quiet the mind and allow the higher self to come forward. The more you practice, the more you’ll be able to access the higher self.

When you have established a quiet and relaxed state, ask for guidance. Ask specific questions about your life, relationships or any issue that may be troubling you. Trust in the answers that come, although they may not be what you expect, they will be what you need to hear.

Higher Self may not always be available on tap. There will be times when you feel it has vanished.  With regular practice it can become a trusted guide, leading you to a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment in life.


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