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Seed abstract pattern, healing exercise, healing guidance, soul journey, awakening
Art by Jaquamarine

Heal Old Pain:

Acknowledge and accept the existence of your shadow self by confronting aspects of yourself that you would rather not face. Take an honest inventory of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Ask ‘What triggers my anger or anxiety?’ or ‘What am I scared of?

As you dive deeper into this work, it’s important to practice self compassion and non- judgement. This means acknowledging your emotions and experiences without placing blame on yourself or others.

Confront and work through your emotions. This can include facing fears and addressing past traumas. It’s helpful to express emotions through writing, journaling or creative activities. Speaking out loud is another way of working through emotions, giving yourself soothing, compassion and gratitude as you go.

Don't feed your wound. FEEL it!

Don't feed your wounds. Every time you bring up issues that haven't been resolved, you keep yourself trapped within the wound, which can transfer the energy elsewhere or embed it further.

Feeding the wound is a looping behaviour from an unhealed, lower frequency behaviour.

The purpose of healing is to release or integrate old energy trapped in your body. Don't attach to it, just let it go! You may go through this process many times in order to completely heal your body.

You don't have to be a detective and pinpoint what the pain is or where it originated, just acknowledge where pain lives inside you and focus on releasing or integrating it, bit by bit.

We cannot transcend pain, we have to feel it to integrate or release it eventually. When we push away pain, we spiritually bypass. Facing our pain takes a bit of getting used to, as most humans automatically block the yucky feelings that pain brings up, but it will only stay trapped in your body if it is not cleared and released.

You are not your pain - don't attach to it!

Honour any pain that is being expressed by your body. It's only stuck energy and you can simply let it go through acknowledgment and by releasing it. If you stuff it down and mask it, it will only pop up again for clearing at a later stage.

Feeling the wound brings healing by merging an aspect of self through integration. If you feel like crying as you do this work, you are doing it right! Let the tears bring release to the stuck pain, you'll feel clear and much better after a good purge!

Feel and process your emotional state. If you want to be certain old wounding is integrated, state out clearly and affirm. Remember to forgive yourself as you complete this process.

Your mind will want you to stay stuck in lower timelines. Don't entertain old hurts, train yourself to stop talking and identifying with your pain - you are not your pain - focus on healing it instead!

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