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Orange flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Grounding, centering or earthing, is the practice of connecting the body directly to the earth's energy.  When we ground, we restore balance to our system, which can get overloaded and throw us out of alignment when ungrounded.

When we are ungrounded our energy gets scattered. We can feel distracted or unfocussed, restless or wired; our body's way of telling us we need to ground and reset.

Grounding restores balance and alignment within the self

Walking barefoot on the ground, sitting or lying down on the grass or standing in a natural body of water will ground your body, reduce anxiety, promote better sleep, improve circulation and lower stress levels.

By regularly connecting with the earth you can balance your body's electrical energy and enjoy greater vitality. If you can’t get out in nature, sit or lie on the floor at home and apply the steps above to ground your body.

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