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Flower pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Gratitude opens the heart and speaks directly to the soul. It is one of the most positive energies in the Universe. Use it regularly as part of spiritual practice.

Gratitude is about giving thanks and appreciation for the good things in life, it is a powerful tool that has a positive impact on mental and physical health. 

Keep a gratitude journal, or express gratitude daily as part of prayer, saying thank you for the small things, the people who support you, or by doing something nice for another.

Even a small amount of gratitude goes a long way and creates room for more

No matter how you choose to practice gratitude, it is of great benefit to pay thanks regularly. Gratitude has a significant impact on well-being and its power strengthens relationships, reduces stress and increases happiness. 

Daily gratitude is a great place to start if you want to improve your mental health and well-being. The simple act of being grateful drops us out of our ego and into the heart.  Practice Gratitude by being grateful for three things each day.  This simple act will make a big difference to your well-being.  Below are some tips for practising gratitude:

  • When we listen in the spirit of gratitude, it takes us out of our ego.

  • Take a few minutes each day to think about the things you are grateful for. Even the small things you take for granted, like the sun shining or feeling pain-free should be met with gratitude.

  • Be specific. Don't just say you are grateful for "everything." Think about specific people, things, or experiences that you are grateful for.

  • Express your gratitude. Don't just keep your gratitude to yourself. Share it with the people you are grateful for, or find ways to express it.

  • Make gratitude a daily habit. The more you practice thanks, the easier it will become and the more good things you will attract to be grateful for.


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