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Women gossiping and projecting
Art by Jaquamarine

Gossip is a negative form of communication, a form of societal currency that gains personal advantage over others. It is both low vibrational and harmful to the person who is gossiped about, as well as the gossiper.

What other people think about us is none of our business.  Be sovereign with your energy by not taking things personally. Guard your personal space and keep your nose out of others’ business, as nothing good will ever come from entangling yourself to another through negative exchanges. 

As the old adage goes: If you haven't got anything nice to say about others, say nothing at all!

Gossip is a toxic distraction for people with nothing better to do

Gossip is a small-minded pursuit for low-vibe people. It’s judgmental, low vibrational, breaches another's privacy and boundary, and based on fear, insecurity or jealousy. When people gossip, they’re often trying to make themselves feel better about themselves by putting others down. It’s a negative energy exchange that can lower the vibration of an entire group.

Gossip can be addictive as once people start gossiping, it can be hard to stop. Gossiping releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure. The more people gossip, the more they want to gossip. This can lead to a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break. When people gossip, they often share information they would not want others to know about themselves. This can put them in a vulnerable position, as it is likely this information will be used against them.

Gossiping ultimately comes back to haunt the person who gossips as it’s a form of quantum entanglement. When people gossip, they are essentially putting negative energy out into the world which will eventually boomerang back and affect them in negative ways, this is how energy works.

If you find yourself in a situation where people are gossiping, politely excuse yourself or redirect the conversation toward something more positive.  Learn to say less, always find the good in people and situations, and encourage others to do the same.  Take the high road when you find yourself in the company of low vibrational people and always remember to protect your energy.

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