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Forgiveness is a divine gift to self that brings compassion and healing. Forgiveness is a conscious command that brings freedom from the past and welcomed release from negative energy accumulated in the energetic field.

Hanging onto resentment or bitterness is like drinking poison.  You may be angry at another, but you will only hurt yourself if you drink from the same cup.  Forgive yourself for your part in any disagreement or situation that may have turned sour.

Misunderstandings will occur if we personalise another’s behaviour, but what another person does is hardly ever about us!  Time does not heal all wounds.  If we don’t heal rifts with others, negative energy becomes embedded within our energetic field and can keep us looped in a cycle of bitterness, re-traumatisation and stuck in lower frequency energy.

Forgiveness is the ultimate act of self-love and compassion

When we cannot forgive, we unconsciously lock ourselves into a prison of our own making. If we choose not to forgive, we can’t receive anything new from God and remain stuck in looping cycles of unforgiveness that affect us mentally and physically.  Unforgiveness is behind 75% of all illness as it locks us out of our hearts and stops us receiving goodness. 

Forgiveness is the key to our freedom that takes place in the heart. Forgiveness is the key that gets us out of jail. It is for you, not for the other! Forgive others by all means, not because they deserve it, but because you do! It will lead to healing and acceptance, whereas hanging on to a grudge keeps us stuck in a karmic loop and mistrust.

To forgive is divine as it lightens our burden, allowing more goodness to come in. Forgiveness doesn't mean we have to excuse or forget what happened, it’s about returning to a peaceful state by letting go of what occurred and giving ourselves compassion.  We may have been an innocent party or blind to our part, but if we can forgive ourselves, we release pain from whatever emotion entangled us to another.


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