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Fluids and Fasting
Photo by Jaquamarine

Fluids, food and Fasting

Food and fluid intake changes throughout the ascension process to adjust to the light infiltration. Light is absorbed through the feet or head during sleep and you may notice night sweats, insomnia, waking up feeling blurry-eyed and fuzzy-headed, or notice your energy levels are depleted. Ascension happens through the body, so it is not unusual to feel bloated or indigestion after eating certain foods, feel severely dehydrated, super tired, or highly energised, dependent on the solar activity.

Light influx contains cosmic data that correspond with the physical and etheric body's cellular and molecular structure, which activates, upgrades and gradually morphs the skeleton from carbon to crystalline. In time many changes will occur to the physical vessel from light and higher consciousness, working in unison to evolve humanity and all life on earth.

Ascension throws up random symptoms as it happens through us, not to us.

Ascension throws up random symptoms as it happens through us, not to us. We are active participants in this evolution and whilst the intelligence driving it knows what to do, it is important to increase fluids, lighten our food intake and fast occasionally to ensure we are honouring and taking care of the vessel as it undergoes the light infiltration process.

Food intolerances can increase as the body undergoes ascension, particularly during the purification stage, which can bring eye, skin and weight changes, breakouts, digestive issues, rashes or hair loss. The process differs for everyone and is determined by the soul and what it needs in the now moment.

Intermittent fasting or reducing food intake can help combat the higher frequency energies that can deplete us. Eating lighter helps gut health, assists toxin release, improves cognitive function, brings more clarity and boosts life force energy. Listen to your body and give it what it needs.  Always check with a medical professional if you are unsure if this applies to you.

Adding a few crystals of good-quality sea salt to your drinking water will improve water absorption, flush out toxins, boost electrolytes, increase mineral levels and optimise the energetic system. Sea salt has dozens of trace minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, preferable to table salt that is stripped of good minerals and contains harmful additives such as talc, a known carcinogen.

Overconsumption can deplete the body and slow down the absorption of light, creating indigestion, nausea, tummy aches or acid reflux. Cutting back on sugar, gluten, caffeine and alcohol helps the body be more receptive to higher energies.

No two journeys are the same, whatever you are experiencing is exactly what you need. Ascension can feel rough on the body some days. Up self-care and honour your vessel, it is working hard for you, so give it what it needs and trust that everything is working for your highest good.


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