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Rose blush pattern
Art by Jaquamarine

Emotion is a multi-faceted, subjective feedback experience that can be felt internally, through expression or as a psychological reaction to the present moment. Emotion is interpreted by the body as a conscious feeling that provides a response or behaviour, as the mind appraises a situation.

There are no visions attached to an emotion, it’s felt internally and usually signals something important is taking place, such as boundaries being crossed or anger triggered. There are over 3000 emotions and each has a neuropeptide or neuro-transmitter which can influence behaviour and cause reactions or behavioural disorders. Some emotional behaviours can be highly addictive and keep us trapped in emotional responses.

Emotions are connected to our frequency and have their own vibration

Whichever way the mind translates a situation determines an emotional response, but we don't always get to choose which emotions are expressed.  The brain mines a scenario for information, collecting any relevant data. Attention is drawn to micro details which are appraised for meaning and relevance, to make something in the external applicable to our inner narrative.

Feelings and emotions are not interchangeable although they have similarities that are easily confused. Emotional experiences and physical sensations can bring about feelings in our body that consciously connect to our mental ability through data, such as the stories or beliefs we carry.

Emotions give us an accurate diagnosis of how we’re doing at the moment, but feelings can be diluted by experience and don't always provide a correct analysis of a situation. Feelings are deeply personal and can cloud judgment, resulting in a variety of different responses and the reason why a group of people can react to a situation in different ways. 

Choose your emotions carefully and guard how you express them.  Don't let anyone stoke or trigger you into taking things personally.  If you are triggered, there's always an opportunity to rewrite the script. When we repress emotions they remain trapped in our system as pockets of energy.

Up to 90% of pain within our body is likely to be trapped in emotional energy. Our body is a map of our consciousness and highlights any imbalances.  Cortisol builds up in organs, muscles, and tissues, leading to inflammation, chronic health problems and diseases that can undermine our overall well-being.  Emotion is energy in motion that needs to be expressed.

Emotional intelligence helps us ground into the present moment, leaving us more connected to our body and able to asses its needs without reaction. Emotions are full of data and wisdom for us if we take the time to understand our bodies and befriend our emotions.


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